School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences


D. Urbonas, A. J. Moilanen, K. B. Arnardottir, U. Scherf, R. F. Mahrt, P. Torma, T. Stöferle:
Temporal modeswitching, during polariton condensation
Commun. Phys.,  7, 203 (2024).

M. T. Unruh, GZ. Wen, M. Bonn, S, Ossella, H. I. Wang, U. Scherf:
Two regioisomeric ladder polymers with fully conjugated or cross-conjugated polyacene-type skeleton
Macromolecules,  57, 6390 (2024).

H. Quioz-Arturo, C. Reinoso, U. Scherf, A. Palma-Cando:
Microporous polymer-modified glassy carbon electrodes for the electrochemical detection of metreoidazole: experimantal and theoretical insights
Nanomaterials, 14, 180 (2024).

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