Fakultät für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften


J. M. Salarzar-Rios, A. A. Sengrian, W. Talsma, H. Duim, M. Abdu-Aguye, S. Jung, N. Fröhlich, S. Allard, U. Scherf, M. A. Loi:
Customizing the polarity of single-walled carbon-nanotubes field-effect transistors using solution-based additives
Adv. Electrontic Mater., 1900789 (2019).

G. P. Lyu, J. Kendall, E. Preis, S. Baysec, U. Scherf, S. Clement, R. C. Evans, I. Meazzini:
Luminescent solar concentrators based on energy transfer from aggregation-induced emitter conjugated polymer
ACS Appl. Polymer Mater., 11, 3039 (2019).

P. Klein, H. J. Jötten, C. M. Aichison, R. Clowes, E. Preis, A. I. Cooper, R. S. Sprick, U. Scherf:
Aromatic polymers made by reductive poyldehalogenation of oligocyclic monomers as conjugated polymers of intrinsic microporosity (C-PIMs)
Polymer Chem., 10, 5200 (2019).

M. B. Leinen, F. J. Berger, P. Klein, M. Mühlinghaus, N. F. Zorn, S. Settele, S. Allard, U. Scherf, J. Zaumseil:
Doping-dependent energy transfer from conjugated polyelectrolytes to (6,5) single-walled carbon nanotubes
J. Phys. Chem. C, 123, 22680 (2019).

T. Keller, T. Gahlmann R. Riedl, U. Scherf:
Direct arylation polycondensation (DAP) synthesis of alternating quaterthiophene-benzothiadiazole copolymers for organic solar cell application
ChemPlusChem, 84, 1249 (2019).

E. C. Mancila, H. Hernandez-Martinez, M. G. Zolotukhin, F. A. Ruiz-Trevino, M. O. Orencia-Diaz, J. Cardenas, U. Scherf:
PDXINAR membrane family for gas seperation
Ind. Engineering Chem. Res., 58, 15280 (2019).

A. Palma-Cando, I. Rendon-Enriquez, M. Tausch, U. Scherf:
Thin functional polymer films by electropolymerisation
Nanomaterials, 9, 1125 (2019).

V. S. Mothika, M. Baumgarten, U. Scherf:
Neutral, pi-radical-conjugated microporous polymer films of nanoscale thickness for potential use in magnetoelectronics and sensor devices
ACS. Appl. Nano Mat., 2, 4832 (2019).

W. Talsma, A. A. Sengrian, J. M. Salazar-Rios, H. Duim, M. Abdu-Aguye, S. Jung, S. Allard, U. Scherf, M. A. Loi:
Remarkably stable, high-quality semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotube inks for highly reproducible field-effect transistors
Adv. Electronic Mater., 5, 1900288 (2019).

S. Athanasopoulos, F. Schauer, V. Nadazdy, M. Weiss, F.-J. Kahle, U. Scherf, H. Bässler, A. Köhler:
What is the binding energy of a charge transfer state in an organic solar cell
Adv. Energy Mater., 9, 1900814 (2019).

M. Knaapila, B. Stewart, V. M. Garamus, M. L. Ramos, P. F. Cruz, R. M. M. Brito, L. L. G. Justina, R. Fausto, C. Napierala, M. Forster, H. D. Burrows, U. Scherf:
Poly(9-undecyl-9-methyl-fluorene) and poly(9-pentaceyl-9-methyl-fluorene): synthesis, solution structure, and effect of side chain asymmetry on aggregation behavior
J. Polym. Sci. Part B - Polymer Physics, 57, 826 (2019).

A. V. Zasedatelev, A. V. Baranikov, D. Urbonas, F. Scafirimuto, U. Scherf, T. Soeferle, R. F. Mahrt, P. G. Lagoudakis:
A room-temperature organic polariton transistor
Nature Photonics, 13, 378 (2019).

U. Hormann, S. Zeiske, S. Park, T. Schultz, S. Kickhofel, U. Scherf, S. Blumstengel, N. Koch, D. Neher:
Direct observation of state-filling at hybrid tin oxide / organic interfaces
Appl. Phys. Lett., 10, 627 (2019).

F. Trilling, M. K. Ausländer, U. Scherf:
Ladder-type polymers and ladder-type polyelectrolytes with on-chain dibenza[a,h]anthracenes chromophores
Macromolecules, 52, 3115 (2019).

F. Trilling, O. Sachnik, U. Scherf:
pi-Expanded diketopyrrolopyrroles as acceptor building blocks for the formation of novel donor-acceptor copolymers
Polymer Chem., 10, 627 (2019).

M. T. Sajjad, A. J. Ward, A. Ruseckas, A. K. Bansal, S. Allard, U. Scherf, I. D. W. Samuel:
Tuning the exciton diffusion coefficient of polyflourene based semiconducting polymers
Physica Status Solidi - Rapid Reserch Lett., 13, 1800500 (2019).

T. N. Arge, Z. Konopkova, D. Haase, H. P. Liermann U. Scherf, S. Guha, M. Knaapila:
Measuring structural inhomogeneity of a helical conjugated polamer at high pessure and temperature
J. Polymer Sci. Part B., 57, 392 (2019).

K. Yuan, CB. Lu, S. Sfaealou, XX. Liao, XD. ZHuang, YW. Chen, U. Scherf, XL. Feng:
In situ nanoarchitecturing and active-site engineering toward highly efficient carbonaceous electrocatalysts
Nano Energy, 59, 207 (2019).